LED Bulb Load Resistors
HYPERFLASH: If you're installing LED bulbs on your turn signals, your lights may flash twice as fast which is caused by the computer in your vehicle. FIX IT: If you don't like this fast flashing, you...
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IN COMPARISON: The Morimoto Heavy Duty Load Resistors may do the same thing as a cheap golden resistor you can buy for a fraction of the price, but they'll stay much cooler, keep you much safer, last way longer, and look much better doing it!
YOU GOT IT! A top notch retrofit, a set of expensive LED bulbs, etc....why skimp out on the LED headlight resistors that are sometimes required to keep your car happy while running them? Don't be "that guy" with an expensive set of LED headlights relying on a $1.99 craptastic resistor to keep em running.
NOTORIOUS: As a component that's notorious for getting extremely hot when in use, it's not only careless to use a cheaply made automotive load resistor, it's dangerous. Not to mention the fact that the guys selling you those cheapo ones recommend mounting them with double-sided tape. What? that's going to fall off the first time the thing heats up. These MUST be mounted to a metal surface, with screws. Period....and that's why the Morimoto HD load resistors have integrated mounting points.
WHAT'S INSIDE: The extruded aluminum housing of these LED headlight resistors doubles as a heat-sink and outer shell for the resistor. To maximize heat-transfer, that's all one piece. On each end, 14 gauge wiring exits through ceramic ports to prevent anything from coming into contact with any heated surfaces. Everything is properly shielded with additional heat-shrink and capped off with high-quality terminals. From end-to-end the Morimoto HD load resistors are worth their weight, no doubt about it.
OPTIONS: The Morimoto HD load resistors are available in a variety of configurations to suit every possible need when it comes to automotive lighting. Whether it's a single LED headlight resistor you need for an LED flasher or to bypass a basic canbus system, a dual resistor for both positive and ground circuits, or the big boy 2015+ Mopar-Spec units (the only ones on the market that actually work for those damn 15+ Mopars!) - Morimoto has you covered!